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Over the years you’ve seen your business grow and greatly appreciate in value.  While an increase in the value of your shares or investments is great news, it also means that you’re building an increasing tax liability.   Tax must be paid on the growth of your business or investments at death.  Any tax on this resulting capital gain must be paid when you pass your business or investments on to the next generation.  


You can defer the tax by transferring the shares or other investments to your spouse at the first spouse’s death.  However, tax will be due upon the second death when filing the final estate’s terminal tax return.  This tax event can be a great burden to your heirs that need to come up with the necessary liquidity to pay the tax.  Your heirs will have to take on excess debt or liquidate the business or investments to pay the tax.  The key however is proper planning.


For many years, permanent life insurance has been used as a key estate planning asset class to cover the capital gains tax on death.  However, in some cases, individuals might be hesitant to purchase permanent life insurance due to the cost of annual premiums.  These annual premiums may have a negative impact on cash flow and possibly limiting future growth of the company.


Zero Cost™ Life Insurance Strategy can be the solution that can cover your estate’s tax liabilities without disrupting cash flow needed to continue growing your business or your investments.


What’s zero cost?

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3333 Côte-Vertu Blvd, suite 450
Saint-Laurent (Québec) Canada  H4R 2N1 
514 343-0200 ext. 227

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